APRIL 22, 2016
SAAC Spotlight: Central Washington's Breanne Rowe
SAAC Spotlight: Central Washington's Breanne Rowe

Name: Breanne Rowe
Sport: Women’s Rugby
School: Central Washington
Year: Senior
Major: Public Relations
Hometown: Tacoma, Wash.

Why did you choose to attend CWU? CWU offered the program I was interested in, is in a great location, and has a very friendly atmosphere.

What is your favorite class you have taken in college and why? Gross Anatomy. It was taught well and though it was challenging, the material was very interesting and the labs were very in depth.

Who is your favorite professor you've had in college and what did you enjoy about learning from him or her? Susan Blair, she is a wonderful teacher and is willing to go above and beyond to help students to succeed.

Years involved in SAAC: One

The reason I chose to get involved in SAAC: I wanted to do something to support my team as well as get more involved with the school. It's hard for student athletes to make time for other extracurricular activities, but SAAC works around our schedule and is a good way to work with the other teams at the school.

Most memorable SAAC activity: The SAAC end of the quarter holiday party. It was nice to be able to socialize and have fun with other student athletes. It was also a good way to take our minds off finals for an hour.

What is the most important thing you've learned from balancing the demands of athletics and academics? Scheduling is everything. It is important for me to plan ahead so that I don't have rush to get an assignment in or struggle to make it to practice on time.

What does it mean to be a Division II student-athlete? It means that as a student athlete you must be committed to yourself academically as well as to your team. We are all here to get an education, which is extremely valuable, but we also get the opportunity to compete in a sport we are passionate about.

Current mentor(s): Kari Johnson, Susan Blair and Stephanie Campbell.

Future goals after school: I would like to continue my education by attending graduate school after graduating from CWU and eventually become involved in exercise related research.

Biggest obstacle overcame during collegiate career: Managing a full workload, while keeping up with the team when I was out with an injury.

Best advice I’d give to an incoming freshman: Work hard. It may seem impossible at first to juggle school, sports, extracurricular activities and a social life, but in the end, all the hard work pays off.

If I could spend the day with one person (past or present), who would it be (and why)? Whenever I have the opportunity, I like to spend time with my mother. My transferring from an out of state school made it so I could only see her about once every six months and I know that was hard for her. Now that I am at an in state university, I would like to make the time up while I can.

Favorite sports team: Seattle Seahawks

Favorite athlete: Russell Wilson

Most memorable sports-related moment: I remember the first rugby game I played in, as it wasn't that long ago being still fairly new to the sport. But the feeling was amazing. I was so excited to be on the field with such a gifted group of girls.

One thing that people don't know about me is: It's actually very hard to keep up with all the demands of life as an undergraduate and sometimes it really scares me, but in the end I have to tell myself that everything is going to work out, no matter the outcome.