DECEMBER 20, 2017
SAAC Spotlight: Simon Fraser's Lauren Mason
SAAC Spotlight: Simon Fraser's Lauren Mason

Part of a regular series.

Throughout the year, uses this space to profile conference student-athletes who are members of their respective institutions' Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC). In addition to providing feedback on the student-athlete experience, conference and institutional SAAC members also offer input on the rules, regulations, and policies that affect student-athletes' lives on NCAA member institution campuses. Click here for more information on the function of SAAC at the NCAA level.

Name: Lauren Mason
Sport: Women’s Wrestling
School: Simon Fraser
Year: Sophomore
Major: Communications
Auburn, Calif.

Extracurricular Activities: Church, Wrestling, Volunteer Work

Why Did You Choose To Attend Simon Fraser: I heard about this school from some friends from home. When I came on my recruiting trip, I fell in love with the city of Vancouver and the people I met here. I also was drawn here because the wrestling program was really good, and has a lot of successful people come out. I had many good experiences that confirm that this was the place I was supposed to be.

What Is Your Favorite Class You Have Taken In College And Why: I really like my Education 100 class that I am in right now. It challenges us to use inquiry in our lives and to question the way things are. It is super interesting. I also liked one of my Communications courses (223) about ads and society. It talked about the way that ads work through people to achieve the goal of the advertiser and it was very interesting to look at the methods it did so.

Who Is Your Favorite Professor You've Had In College And What Did You Enjoy About Learning From Him Or Her: Marc Legacy. He is such a good professor and really takes into account the environment that learning happens in. He is very in tune with his students. You can also tell that he enjoys teaching the material.

Years Involved In SAAC: 1

The Reason I Chose To Get Involved In SAAC: I love being involved and wanted to help SFU Athletics and plan activities!

Most Memorable SAAC Activity: I think it would be the end of the year gala. It was an awesome production and the after party was really fun as well!

What Is The Most Important Thing You've Learned From Balancing The Demands Of Athletics And Academics: I learned that you can't focus your time on one thing. You need balance in your life. I have learned not to get so caught up in things and stressed. Lastly, I have learned how to plan and time-manage better.

What Does It Mean To Be A Division II Student-Athlete: It is an honor and a challenge. It is such a great opportunity to compete for my school and to get the opportunity to do what I love. It is a challenge. It pushes me to be the best version of myself and to represent the school well.

Current Mentor(s):  I have so many, many of the older girls on my team: Mallory Velte, Fran Giorgio, Justina Di Stasio and Dominique Parrish. They all have helped me with my wrestling and helped me to improve as a person too. I look up to them and their strength and experience. They have definitely become some of my best friends and confidants.

Future Goals After School: I hope to one day compete in the Olympics and represent my family and country. I also hope to be a sports broadcaster for ESPN or another media company.

Biggest Obstacle Overcome During Collegiate Career: Learning how to transition to college, being away from family and adapting to a higher level of competition.

Best Advice I’d Give To An Incoming Freshman: Relax. Give yourself some time. Don't get me wrong, go get it, work hard and do all you can do, but once you've done that there is nothing else to do. But don't get too down on yourself.

If I Could Spend The Day With One Person (Past Or Present), Who Would It Be (And Why): I would choose Jesus. I am a very religious person and I absolutely believe in being kind, not judging, and treating people the way you want to be treated. I think He would be such a great person to meet.

Favorite Sports Team: Denver Broncos- Football, Golden State Warriors- Basketball

Favorite Athlete: Victoria Anthony- Wrestling, Peyton Manning- Football

Most Memorable Sports-Related Moment: Winning the California state championship for wrestling. It was a crazy and close match that I ended up winning. It was a great match, and I had a great support system there for me too.

One Thing That People Don't Know About Me Is: I love snakes and I can sing!