APRIL 30, 2021
SAAC Spotlight: Western Oregon's Mitchell Hulse
SAAC Spotlight: Western Oregon's Mitchell Hulse

Part of a regular series.

Throughout the year, GNACsports.com uses this space to profile conference student-athletes who are members of their respective institutions’ Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC). In addition to providing feedback on the student-athlete experience, conference and institutional SAAC members also offer input on the rules, regulations and policies that affect student-athletes’ lives on NCAA member institution campuses.

Name: Mitchell Hulse
Western Oregon University
Exercise Science
Littleton, Colorado

Why Did You Choose To Attend Western Oregon?: I choose to attend Western Oregon because the baseball program has a strong winning culture. While my education is my priority, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t choose WOU especially for its success on the baseball field.

What Is Your Favorite Class You Have Taken And Why?: My favorite class was pathophysiology, which is the study of diseases and how they affect the body, especially through exercise. With the COVID-19 pandemic going on, it’s cool to see how a class can directly impact my life outside of the lectures.

Who Is Your Favorite Professor And What Did You Enjoy About Learning From Him Or Her?: My favorite professor is Dr. Kim Rogers. She is the best professor I have ever had. She cares for her students and their success. No matter the time of day, she will make herself available to help her students meet their full potential. She has become a great mentor for me and has helped me become a better overall person.

Years Involved In SAAC: One year.

The Reason You Chose To Get Involved In SAAC: I chose to get involved in SAAC because I want everyone to have the best experience throughout one of the best times of their lives. It’s a great committee that does so many things that people don’t get to see.

Most Memorable SAAC Activity To Date: Handing out candy on Halloween night while dressed up as one of the blind mice.

How Do You Feel Participating In SAAC Will Help You In Life After You Graduate?: Participating in SAAC will help me because it’s all about seeing the bigger picture. We try to help our student-athletes have the best experience while also leaving our mark on the community. The things we do will have an everlasting impact on my life.

What Does It Mean To You To Be A Division II Student-Athlete?: It means being a grinder.

What Is The Most Important Thing You’ve Learned About Balancing Athletics And Academics?: As a student-athlete, I am constantly moving around. There is always somewhere to be. Using my free time to relax and prioritize my work has been beneficial. Making lists can be a lifesaver and it’s satisfying when I complete a task and get to cross it out.

Biggest Obstacle Overcome During Your Collegiate Career: One major obstacle I had to face during college was breaking a bone in my hand and having surgery. I was trying to get recruited out of junior college and missed a big chunk of my sophomore season.

Favorite Thing About Competing In The GNAC: The beautiful states we get to play in.

Most Memorable Sports-Related Moment: Hitting a home run in the GNAC Championships.

If You Could Change One NCAA Rule, It Would Be: Student-athletes should get paid for their name, image and likeness.

Current Mentor(s): Brian King, Kellen Walker, Cori Metzgar and Kim Rogers.

Best Advice You’d Give To An Incoming Freshman: These four years are going to fly by. Pay attention in class, give it your all on the field and make as many memories as you can.

If You Could Spend The Day With One Person (Past Or Present), Who Would It Be (And Why)?: I would spend the day with Andrew Huberman, the leading neuroscientist at Stanford University. I would love to discuss what scientists know about the human brain and how we can be the best versions of ourselves. I find consciousness fascinating and he would be a great person to talk about that with.

Extracurricular Activities: I love lifting weights and playing disc golf and basketball.

Future Goals After Graduation: I would like to travel around Europe for a while and then come back and get a doctorate in exercise physiology.

Favorite Sports Team: Denver Broncos.

Favorite Athlete: Nikola Jokić.

One Thing People Don’t Know About You Is: I want to be a professional disc golfer when I am done playing baseball.