OCTOBER 23, 2021
SAAC Spotlight: Northwest Nazarene's Teagan Thurman
SAAC Spotlight: Northwest Nazarene's Teagan Thurman

Part of a regular series.

Throughout the year, GNACsports.com uses this space to profile conference student-athletes who are members of their respective institutions’ Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC). In addition to providing feedback on the student-athlete experience, conference and institutional SAAC members also offer input on the rules, regulations and policies that affect student-athletes’ lives on NCAA member institution campuses.

Name: Teagan Thurman
Sport: Women’s Basketball
Institution: Northwest Nazarene
Year: Sophomore
Major: Biology/Pre-Med
Hometown: Tehachapi, Calif.

Why Did You Choose To Attend NNU?: The culture and family dynamic. NNU allowed me to grow in my faith as well as an individual. I admire the small class sizes which really allow you to learn and build a personal relationship with all of your professors. NNU has given me the best of both worlds by allowing me to take a fairly time-consuming major while also working with me to continue to play the sport I love at such a high level.

What Is Your Favorite College Class And Why?: It has to be the science lab I took last semester. Every week we were able to work hands-on with an array of projects like circuit boards, looking at rocks, burning Cheetos and even examining the stars.

Who Is Your Favorite Professor?: Dr. Dan Lawrence, who ran the labs and made a hard subject fun. There was never a dull moment and he really took the time to connect with every student and make an effort to get to know you. He was also one of the most flexible teachers I have had who worked with athletes. One time he brought us churros and cookies as we did the lecture. Another time he even brought his dog into the lecture block, which really brightened my day. I still see him in our lunchroom and will have conversions with him about how life is or how basketball is going.

How Many Years Have You Been Involved In SAAC?: One.

Why Did You Choose To Get Involved With SAAC?: I want to be able to say I made a difference, even if it was in a small way. I thought it would be fun to be in a group of like-minded people who come from all different sports as well as backgrounds.

If You Could Change One NCAA Rule, What Would It Be?: Half-court shots should be worth four points.

What Have You Learned From Needing To Balance Athletics And Academics?: It’s okay to take a pause. You don't always have to go, go, go. I think being a student-athlete at this level has made me realize the importance of mental health and the ability to have a group of people that understand you so that you don't have to go through things alone. Everything is doable, but it's also okay to ask for help.

What Is The Biggest Obstacle You Have Overcome During Your Collegiate Career?: Honestly, COVID-19 as a whole has been the biggest obstacle. Quarantining for two weeks any time you were in close contact really drained people emotionally and physically. With that being said, battling through it has made me appreciate every practice, every weight session and every time I'm able to be with my team and play the sport I love.

What Are Your Future Goals After Graduating?: I want to attend medical school in hopes of becoming a doctor. I think I want to move to a big city to attend medical school so that I can experience fast-paced living before settling down when school is over.

What Advice Would You Have For An Incoming Freshman?: Don't be scared to go out and make friends, they are all in the same boat as you. It may seem scary and difficult at first, but it is so worth it in the end because you could make friends that last a lifetime. Also, make sure you manage your time from the start so that you aren't always stressing out-- learn to balance school and sports with fun.

What’s Your Favorite Thing About Being Part Of The GNAC?: I love the competitiveness of every team and that every game will be a battle that you need to take seriously.

What’s Your Favorite Sports Memory?: When I broke my high school’s record for most points scored, by a boy or girl.

If You Could Spend The Day With One Person, Who Would It Be?: I would want to spend the day with Lebron James and learn how he has kept his body in such great shape and performed at such a high level for this long. I also want to talk to him about his community outreach and hear how he came up with the things he did for his hometown community.

Favorite Sports Team: Los Angeles Clippers.

Favorite Athlete: Lamelo Ball.

Extracurricular Activities: I go hiking and play in a men's league for basketball.

What’s Something People Don’t Know About You?: I used to be a professional water skier in Florida and would compete in different events.